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Next meeting:
Tuesday, February 18
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM in your timezone (Detecting...)

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Schedule: Every Tuesday, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM


Veteran Notebooks are not required to attend meetings.



Cost: Free, no registration required

Program: SMART Veterans

The SMART Veterans Programme has used the four key points of SMART Recovery and adapted these to suit the needs for veterans with an addictive or compulsive behaviour. Research documents that an alarming number of veterans returning from military deployment and combat suffer from addiction. The traumatic experiences encountered on the battlefield can overwhelm coping skills and cause mental health conditions. Many veterans will self-medicate with alcohol and substances or engage in risky behaviors that can compound problems.

Specific audiences: Military Veterans

Meetings specifically for those who are or have served in the military. Typically led by other veterans who have used SMART Recovery to address their own addictive behaviors.

Languages spoken: English



This meeting is provided by UK SMART Recovery.

Johnny Allison
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07498 923309
Are you one of the above facilitators for this meeting? If so, you can request changes to your meeting.



Whitefoord House
53 Canongate, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH8 8BS


Meeting #: 1196


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